Thursday, March 10, 2011

It's a Start!

Finally done talking about this blog.  Time to get a move on.
Here's what I'm all about, and so consequently, what this blog is all about.

   I am a fan on Facebook of "Montana is For Badasses."  No, not in reference to those who visit during the gorgeous summer months (although I am not discrediting the level of any one's "badassness") but in reference to those of us that put up with the other 8ish months of the year.  Scraping endless ice off of the windows of our ever so neccesary 4-wheel drive vehicles.  Bundling our kids up in 6 layers just to walk to the neighbors house. Wearing snowboots to the office and then changing into our heels when we get there...I could go on. 
But THIS, this is a special breed of badasses. Those of us that live here for a reason...and enjoy it.  For every frost-stung nostril, there's miles of untouched terrain begging to be skied on, skated on, snowmobiled on, or just plain admired.

A love for the outdoors that stretches through all 4 seasons (or in our case, 2 seasons) seems to be the common thread that weaves us Montanans together into a common understanding. And that's why we live here.
So while the focus of this blog is on living (and better yet, experiencing) the hidden gem that is the Flathead Valley, it is also about Life. Real Life. And yes...My life.  Parenthood, Love, Marriage, Family, and everything else that comes up along the way. 

I thought about making my first post a bio, but hope that anyone who chooses to read this will get an accurate picture through my posts.  And really...who am I kidding? My relatives will probably make up the majority of my "readers" and you, Mom (or Grandma, Aunt, -insert other title here-) need no introduction.
So here is a condensed version of what you should know:

1. My child (Eldon, age 2 1/2) is nuts. wild. insane.  His adventures may very well occupy a large portion of this blog.  Don't worry, he is also wildly entertaining.  And adorable. See?

2. My Husband (Nate) is the love my life and also, my complete opposite.  Insteresting, I know.  His participation in this is up in the air.  I have no idea how much of him he is willing for me to share.  We'll find out as we go along.

3. Me.  I am a 20-something who always dreamed of being called "Mom."  Sometimes dreams are better than anticipated.  Motherhood is one of those dreams.  My heart is in my family.  My soul is in Montana.  I am blessed with a rather huge (and equally kickass) family.  Art, Music, Outdoors, Wine, Friends, Family, Coffee, are just a few of the essential ingredients to my life.

4.Us. We hike, fish, hunt, camp (We LIVE for camping.) We 4-wheel. We're goofy.  We don't take things too seriously. We screw up. We Fight. Whatever, It's life. You'll hear about that too.

So here we go! Hoping that soon this will be a one-stop shop for the best hikes, valley events, good deals, kid-friendly activities and all that is The Flathead Valley.  My next post will have something a little more substantial. I promise. 

Until then, get out and play, shop local and enjoy the first of many "Valley Finds." A weekly (or more often depending on what we come across) deal that can be found in the Flathead Valley.  This one is a little late since it is for today only but it's too good not to be shared:

(Photos) Top-The Canyon, taken from the Columbia Falls Bridge
Center-Lake Koocanusa. Taken last Sunday. 3/6/2011
Last-Eldon. Rockin' out to some AC/DC

1 comment:

  1. So glad you are blogging. I love it, it is like therapy to get your words out and find a community of people to read them and be with there with you. I am 'following' !
